Friends: The 10 Most Shameless Things Joey Has Ever Done

Joey Tribiani may be a fan-favorite character in Friends, but that doesn't mean that he's a great guy all of the time... everyone knows that the Friends gang have their problematic moments, but Joey may be the most outright shameless when it comes to doing whatever he wants, no matter who it might hurt (or how illegal it might be).

RELATED: Friends: 5 Best Things Joey Did For Chandler (& 5 Chandler Did For Joey)

He may be sweet at times, but he's definitely not the most considerate friend - and he seems to have zero qualms about being hypocritical when it comes to getting his own way. It's hard to narrow it down, but these are some of the moments where Joey had absolutely zero shame.

10 Lied To Get Free Drinks

Admittedly, this wasn't just Joey - Rachel was very much along for the ride. But when they went to Ross's big conference to hear him speak, did Joey treat his friend with love and respect? Of course not. Instead, he basically only agreed to come because it was in Barbados, ignored Ross the whole time, made out with Rachel, and then to top it all off, stole a pass for a different conference to scam free food and drinks. Lying for freebies is bad enough, but this probably meant that actual attendees were turned away (or dealt with a lot of hassle) when trying to get into their OWN convention.

9 Ate His Date's Dessert

Compared to some of the other things that Joey has done, this doesn't sound too bad... but it's a perfect example of a time that he isn't just shameless, he's totally selfish! In this episode, Joey made a big deal about the fact that he doesn't share food (a recurring theme). When his date wants a bite off his plate, he'd rather knock it on to the floor than let her have some! But when it comes time for dessert, and she has the last piece of the dessert he wanted, he waits for her to step away from the table and eats the whole thing. This is after a conversation they had about his dislike of sharing food, and after she explicity told him not to eat it... and he didn't just take a bite, either. He wolfed down the whole thing, and followed it up by saying that he wasn't even sorry.

8 Sabotaged A Student

Stealing a dessert may be shameless, but this is nothing compared to when Joey was an acting teacher. Nevermind the fact that he took a teaching job despite being an arguably terrible actor, he actually actively sabotaged a student's chances - or tried to.

RELATED: Friends: The 10 Most Shameless Things Monica Has Ever Done

When he discovered that a student was up for the same part as him (and was a better actor) he told him to 'play the boxer gay', advice designed to make him fail. Of course, karma took care of that and the directors loved it, but he actively tried to have his own student mess up, just to help himself get a part.

7 Cheated (A Lot)

Joey doesn't exactly have a glowing track record when it comes to women. He is a caricature of a player, and tends to tell women whatever he thinks they want to hear, lies too them, and has cheated more than once. He cheated on his girlfriend Charlie in order to make out with Rachel. He dates multiple women at once, when they think they are exclusive. And in a particularly shameless episode, go goes from sleeping with his co-star's understudy, to sleeping with the co-star... and telling the poor understudy about what happened. So now she has to work with both of them, and Joey just doesn't really care.

6 Got Rid Of A Rival (By Pouring Water On His Pants)

Compared to most of his shameless moments, this one isn't actually that bad - and arguably, the guy deserved it! But when Joey was attempting to get together with his roommate (!), she is told to dance with another guy. Joey does (to his credit) attempt to tell the guy that he was hoping to romance the girl that night, and the guy refuses to back off... so Joey splashes water on his rival's crotch, and then shouts out to the room that he wet himself! Terrible? Not so much. Shameless? Absolutely.

5 Faked Being A Doctor

Back to the objectively terrible things, with this one. When in hospital with his friends (as the gang are incapable of going through really any medical procedure without everyone coming along for the ride), Phoebe meets a patient, and thinks that he's cute.

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Rather than just go get to know him, though, she and Joey concoct a plan where Joey pretends to be a doctor in order to ask invasive questions of the patient and make sure he's ok for Phoebe to go hit on. This one isn't just shameless, it's flat-out illegal!

4 Borrowed Thousands From Chandler

This is mentioned a few times in the series, but for the most part, it seems that everyone just ignored the fact that Chandler essentially financially supports Joey. Joey just expects that his friend will pay rent (despite the fact that Chandler clearly wanted a roommate to split the cost - it's New York!), bills, food, and even buy him headshots and acting lessons. All this is just expected because Chandler has a decent job, but it's truly shameless to expect your friend to foot the bill for basically your whole life.

3 Stole An Award

Yup, Joey's tendency to sleep with and dump his co-stars isn't the only way that he shamelessly screws them over. When one of his co-stars was up for an award, Joey was sent to accept on their behalf, after being the least-gracious loser in his own category. And when she wasn't sufficiently impressed with it, what did Joey do? He literally stole it. Stealing an award (and presumably, passing it off as his own at home, at least once or twice), is just not ok.

2 Lied On His Resume

Some might argue that most people do this from time to time, but Joey's lies about his skills are next-level. He didn't just claim that he was a little more talented than he really was, he actually claimed that he could ride a horse, play musical instruments, and even speak French. And when he was up for a part based on the idea that he was fluent in French, did he fess up? Nope. Shameless Joey decided to go on into the audition and literally make random 'french-sounding' noises. Zero shame.

1 Dated Phoebe's Sister

Admittedly, most of the Friends gang have some issues when it comes to boundaries and not dating their best friends' siblings (or kissing their parents... Ross!). However, Joey was the only one shameless enough to rake Chandler over the coals when he got drunk and kissed one of Joey's sisters... and then start dating Ursula, Phoebe's estranged sister who is objectively horrible to her. Technically, he did ask permission, but even asking after how he treated  Chandler is pretty lacking in shame.

NEXT: Friends: 5 Best Things Monica Did For Chandler (& 5 He Did For Her)

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Friends: The 10 Most Shameless Things Joey Has Ever Done Friends: The 10 Most Shameless Things Joey Has Ever Done Reviewed by VIRAL on 06:38 Rating: 5

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