The Assassin's Creed series has sent us all on incredible and intriguing journeys through time. From the sands of ancient Egypt to the revolution-drenched shores of a Colonial U.S., we've sliced up unsuspecting targets, ignited beacons of justice, and leaped off of more rooftops and spires than we care to admit.
Like many great video game series, the Assassin's Creed games have us asking that all too popular question; where do we go next? With the next game supposedly using a Viking setting, we'd like to know what other settings would do well. Have a look at ten of our dream choices for the next game.
10 Sci-Fi Future

Laugh all you want about Assassin's Creed in space, but given the right treatment and delicate attention, a futuristic Assassin's Creed title could be an interesting and exciting sci-fi epic. In a world with an appetite for titan-sized mechs and bazooka caliber lasers in their sci-fi, something a little more subtle would be a nice change.
Think about it; the Assassins would be absolutely amazing in a cyberpunk future. Think of the incredible gadgets a futuristic Assasin could wield hunting down teched-out templars. Maybe turning the Hidden Blade into a cybernetic enhancement? We're up for it if you are, Ubisoft.
9 1920s New York City

Though the hood might have to be traded in for a suit and tie, we can definitely see an Assassin in the era of gangsters, Rolls-Royces, and prohibition. Think about the rush of leaping off of a skyscraper on the hunt for an assassination target? Yes, some creative liberties would have to be taken, but we can't say it wouldn't be fun.
We can easily see some sort of crime-noir story mixed in with our fight against the Templars in the '20s. Blending in with the shadows of an early 20th century and stalking the dark alleys and streets of old New York would definitely fit in with the assassin motif.
8 Celtic/Medieval Scottland

After the adventure that was Assassin's Creed Odyssey, we're actually curious to see how the series would fair in other ancient cultures. We don't know about you, but we'd definitely like to see the series venture to the land of the Celts and explore some of their mythic and mystical cultures along with their warrior spirit.
We can very well see our Assassin character draped in the colors of a Celtic clan, riding off through the highlands and the forests in search of some artifact or other such adventure. Anyone else getting serious Braveheart vibes here? We certainly don't mind.
7 Arthurian Britain

Since we had encounters with figures from Egyptian mythology in Assassin's Creed: Origins, we see no reason we shouldn't be able to throw a little magic into the mix with a game set in King Arthur's Britain. We want knights, swords, wizards, every last thing you'd expect to see in one of the most iconic fantasy backgrounds.
Think about it, how cool would it be to pick up the Assassin's Creed equivalent of Excalibur? If Da Vinci can give us upgrades and technology in AC2, we want to get potions and enchantments from Merlin the magician. Not the most historically accurate, but one we'd like to see.
6 Elizabethan England

We've had Renaissance Italy, but why not visit one of the most famous cultural and political epicenters the period ever knew? There are loads of possibilities you could play with if this setting were used. Think of the sights, locations, and figures our hooded friend could interact with.
The size and look of this environment would be nothing short of inspiring. Imagine walking amidst the court of Queen Elizabeth, leaping off the Tower of London, or even having a secret base hidden under Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. The concept definitely ignites a certain spark in the heart of our inner history buff.
5 Civil War America

Though it might be a very controversial time period in American history, we can't help but have that "what if..." notion when thinking about another American-set Assassin's Creed game. We've had a game set during the heat of the American Revolution, but we can't say we don't want to see something during the American Civil War.
In one of the most intense and divided conflicts during American History, the idea that Assassin's and Templars might be pulling strings behind the scenes definitely seems plausible in this universe. If handled correctly and with the right amount of care, this could make for an incredible story.
4 Aztec Empire

Though it might sound like we're exchanging one set of pyramids and tombs for another, we'd still love to see our Assassin as a jaguar-pelt-clad Aztec warrior bringing down the pain on a load of Conquistadors as he brings down a jagged sacrificial dagger. There's definitely potential for some serious adventure here.
We can see our protagonist trekking through trackless jungles, exploring hidden tombs, and exploring ancient ruins and rainforests on whatever quest he might pursue. Maybe it would be better as an Origins spin-off, but we wouldn't complain. Especially not if the takedowns were as gory as some Aztec rituals.
3 1960s England

First of all, James Bond would make a brilliant member of the Assassins. With that in mind, why not set a game during the swinging '60s? If given a sort of Bond-esque treatment, the Assassins could be persuing the templars long into the Cold War, or perhaps even taking on some sort of espionage-based threat.
Using the setting and spy themes in mind, this concept has the potential to be one of the most thriller-focused entries in the series. Though we don't necessarily need car chases and explosions, we do enjoy sneaking into places and using a variety of gadgets and weapons to succeed in our mission.
2 WWII Germany

With the thought in mind to stay away from Wolfenstein as much as possible, a WWII-set Assassin's Creed could make for a very interesting experience, especially if the story writers take a page or two from Valkyrie and give us a secret anti-Nazi plot in which to participate.
The only thing better than taking out Nazis as BJ Blaskowitz with an arsenal of guns would probably be slicing them up with a hidden blade or two. Imagine sneaking around a bunker or an enemy base and dropping guards like flies. Who says you need bullets for a good WWII game?
1 Medieval Japan

Here's something we know you've had to ask. We've had Assassin's Creed titles where we wear black hoods, throw daggers, and hide behind masks, how has there not been a ninja entry yet? Given the right plotline and characters, a Japanese-set Assassin's Creed title would be like a playable Kurosawa film.
A ninja/samurai title would be absolutely stellar. Picture your assassin running over the rooftops of a village or scaling a palace wall before swooping behind a shoji screen door and skewering some armor-clad enemy. It seems like a pretty exciting affair in our book. Make it happen, Ubisoft!
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