This week was the world premiere of the final installment in the sequel trilogy of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. We're just days away from the release date here in the United States. One of the biggest questions still on most of our minds (everyone, except those trolls going around dropping spoilers like they have nothing else to live for) is does Kylo Ren, aka Ben Solo, deserve redemption?
This question continues to plague fans, but we've done our best to weigh both sides. Here are some reasons we think Kylo Ren should be redeemed and why he shouldn't.
10 He Should: Didn't Kill Leia

In The Last Jedi, the Rebels think they have managed to escape the clutches of The First Order, only to discover that they have placed a tracking device on the lead Resistance ship. An attack is returned by The First Order including Kylo Ren. However, when the time comes for him to take the shot that will most certainly end his mother, Leia, Kylo hesitates and his wingmen take out much of the lead Resistance ship.
This is shortly after he has been told by Supreme Leader Snoke that he is weak, and if ever Kylo Ren needed a moment to prove otherwise, this would have been it. But, Kylo Ren is clearly not too far gone and exercises restraint. We're not sure how Leia's story will wrap up in Episode IX (RIP Carrie Fisher), but we're glad it didn't end at that moment.
9 He Shouldn't: Killed Han

One of the most exciting moments in The Force Awakens was the return of Han Solo and his trusty co-pilot Chewbacca. While Han and Rey got off to a bit of a bumpy start, it looked like they might have a bright future together as Han offered her an official job on the Millenium Falcon.
These dreams were shattered, however, when at the conclusion of the film, Kylo Ren killed Han with his own lightsaber. There probably wasn't a realistic future in which Harrison Ford would have come back to play Han anyway, but it still hurt us to the core that Han was killed by his own son. We're not going to forgive you for that one, Kylo Ren.
8 He Should: Made Rey Question Luke

When Rey arrives on the planet Ahch-To in The Last Jedi, she comes to discover that Luke has been intentionally hiding from everyone after Kylo Ren tried to end him and his Jedi Academy. During the time that Rey spends with Luke, he continues to be reclusive and tell her only parts of his history that fit comfortably within his own story.
As Rey spends more time on Ahch-To, a Force-link of sorts occurs between Kylo and Rey, allowing them to communicate despite being in different parts of the galaxy. During these communications, Kylo eventually divulges why he turned on Luke, causing Rey to press Luke further and confess everything that happened that led to Kylo's turn to the dark side. This may be a controversial choice, but regardless of where you land on it, this action pushed the story forward, eventually getting Rey to go after Kylo in hopes of redeeming him.
7 He Shouldn't: Attacks A Village On Jakku

In The Force Awakens, one of the first events is a Stormtrooper raid on Jakku, led by none other than, you guessed it: Kylo Ren. Isn't Jakku just another deserty planet like Tattooine? Why go there? Well, it just so happens that hiding out on Jakku is Lor San Tekka who has a map to Ahch-To, where Luke is rumored to be hiding.
Lor San Tekka, however, refuses to comply with Kylo Ren's demands and is subsequently killed by him. There wasn't a lot of spare time in The Force Awakens for more of Lor San Tekka's story, but we wish Kylo hadn't snuffed him out so quickly.
6 He Should: Killed Snoke And His Cronies

In The Last Jedi, Rey is eventually held captive by Snoke before he orders Kylo Ren to kill her. Just when we think Rey may be done for, Kylo Ren defies everyone's expectations and slices Snoke in half with a lightsaber (though perhaps not as cleanly as Darth Maul was sliced by Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace).
If Kylo Ren were completely taken over by the Dark Side, there would have been no reason for him to hesitate killing Rey. Instead, not only does he kill Snoke, but he also fights side-by-side Rey as they take out the Elite Praetorian Guards in one of the most epic battles of the entire saga. Clearly, Kylo isn't too far gone here.
5 He Shouldn't: Destroyed Luke's Jedi Order

While Luke certainly had a moment of weakness that could have ended in the death of Kylo Ren, he didn't need to go and destroy the entire order Luke had established. Those students, like the children Anakin Skywalker killed, were innocent.
Regardless of their age, destroying innocent lives was more than a step too far, Kylo. By all means, have it out with Luke; don't put innocents in harm's way, though.
4 He Should: Tried To Form An Alliance With Rey

Upon destroying Snoke and his guards, Kylo Ren makes yet another interesting choice. You may have expected him to then take out Rey, now that nobody else could stop him. However, at this moment Kylo Ren offers to form an alliance with Rey. Granted, this alliance is still one in which he is the new Supreme Leader, but it's certainly not an offer he would have made to anyone else.
Surely Kylo Ren must have known that Rey would not take him up on such an offer. Granted, he doesn't go out of his way to convince her to stay with him, but he could have easily just killed her according to Snoke's orders and then taken out Snoke and his guards. He wouldn't have just kept Rey alive to fight the guards, right?
3 He Shouldn't: Tried to Kill Rey

On more than one occasion, Kylo Ren has tried to end Rey. Based upon what the trailers have revealed from The Rise of Skywalker, we likely have not seen his last attempt.
Hopefully, Kylo Ren will eventually choose the Light and realize he should have been with Rey all along, rather than trying to kill her. But as it stands, he's tried to kill her more times than he's tried to save her. We'll see what The Rise of Skywalker brings.
2 He Should: More Morally Conflicted Than Vader

Through Kylo Ren runs the blood of the Skywalkers, even Darth Vader who has clearly had more of an influence upon him than any other family member. Kylo Ren has made terrible, morally reprehensible decisions, comparable to Vader himself. However, once Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, there was little, if anything, that caused him to rethink his decision.
Kylo Ren, on the other hand, is constantly divided on where his loyalty lies. Granted, for the vast majority of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, he is firmly on the dark side. But rarely do we see him feeling like that's where he belongs; like it's where he's making the greatest contribution. Because of this, we're hoping Rey is able to bring him to the light.
1 He Shouldn't: Supreme Leader Ren?

At the conclusion of The Last Jedi, Kylo Ren continues to pursue the Resistance and battle it out with Luke on the planet Crait. He tries to kill Luke, believing that in so doing he will bring an end to the Jedi. Kylo Ren is surprised to discover, however, that he is not actually fighting Luke, but a Force-projection of Luke while the real Luke is on Ahch-To.
The remains of the Resistance manage to get away and from here, he looks to be the new Supreme Leader to lead The First Order. We will see whether Kylo Ren ultimately chooses the light or the dark.
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