Supernatural: 5 MCU Heroes Dean & Sam Could Beat (& 5 They Can't)

The hit TV show Supernatural has two main heroes, Sam and Dean, who have years of experience with the supernatural under their belts. The MCU has an array of heroes, each with different capabilities and skills. Wouldn't it be interesting to see the two mash together? We'd definitely line up to buy tickets to that legendary event. With all the heroes, it's hard to imagine a Supernatural versus the MCU situation, given that they would naturally all be on the same side to begin with. Nevertheless, we've compiled a list of the heroes we think Sam and Dean could take, and the ones they'd be no match for.

10 Can Beat: Captain America

Shocking as this may seem, it makes sense. Captain America/Steve Rogers has a tendency to think one way. It's his way or the highway, basically. This is one of his flaws. Sam and Dean constantly have to think out of the box just as a means of survival. They would find an avenue and means to be able to defeat "America's ass," though they probably wouldn't take pride in it (well, not Sam so much as Dean). Sorry Steve.

9 Can't Beat: Doctor Strange

Consider this: Doctor Strange is human, but he's trained himself extensively to possess the magical abilities that he does. He makes Sam's days at Stanford look like nothing given Strange's book smarts.

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Not to mention Strange is a former doctor. Knowing anatomy and magic, he could inflict major damage upon the Winchesters. With Rowena now gone and Sam only a novice in magic, they'd have a lot of catching up to do to get up to Doctor Strange's level.

8 Can Beat: Rocket

The Winchesters versus Rocket would be something we'd pay to see. Rocket's clever and isn't short on biting comments, but the Winchesters are bigger, stronger and have more weapons than Rocket does. Rocket would get in a few hits but the Winchesters would surely emerge victorious. Rocket throwing some insults and name-calling in the midst of battle would be entertaining---after all, it'd be funny to see what names he comes up with for the Winchesters. When all is said and done, though, it's better for the Winchesters to have Rocket as an ally rather than an enemy.

7 Can't Beat: Iron Man

Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, was a certified genius. It's virtually impossible to hack his systems or to get access to his suits or any of his weapons. Even with Tony now gone, his security protocols live on. Tony's got security measures that put plenty to shame, and unless you're a gifted hacker or by some miracle are granted access to Tony's systems and home, you can forget about ever getting close to defeating Iron Man.

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Sam and Dean may have access to the supernatural, but there's no supernatural force powerful enough to infiltrate Tony Stark's security, cyber or otherwise.

6 Can Beat: Spider-Man

We love Peter Parker, we do. Unfortunately, Peter probably wouldn't be a match for the Winchesters, and here's why: he's too trusting. Peter's a good kid, but like we saw in each movie, especially Far From Home, Peter tends to trust too easily and it gets him into dire situations. He also has a tendency to overestimate his capabilities, as we saw in HomecomingPeter would've been easier for the Winchesters to beat back in the days of Civil War and Homecoming when he was relatively new to the hero scene, but now with Infinity War, Endgame and Far From Home under his belt, Peter would be a bigger challenge for the Winchesters with the experience he's gained since we first met him. Nonetheless, the Winchesters would probably defeat Peter by getting him to trust them with something important or by going after the people Peter loves, which in turn throws Peter for a loop for a bit before he regains confidence and goes back into battle. Yet, that time lost would allow the Winchesters to win.

5 Can't Beat: Thor

Thor is a God from Asgard. He's obviously not human, and he's got all kinds of supernatural capabilities. He's smart and has been trained for, and fought, battles far bigger than Sam and Dean's for centuries on end. Thor could probably take out the Winchesters in seconds if he wanted to, so they'd better hope they never get on Thor's bad side.

That doesn't seem likely, though, especially with the latest version of Thor that we saw in Endgame. In fact, the "sad" Thor could be the Winchesters' best friend, passing the days by playing video games, drinking, and reminiscing on war stories and past loves.

4 Can Beat: Ant-Man

Ant-Man, also known as Scott Lang, would be an interesting foe for the Winchesters. Sure, he's got a high-tech suit than can render him any size he likes, but Scott himself can be a bit careless with it. Not to mention it's simple to take Scott off-guard. He's quirky, and as we saw in the movies, he turns into a bit of a super-fan around the Avengers. If he's heard of the Winchesters, he might do the same thing. For the Winchesters, Scott's suit is easier to get to than Tony's. They could break into his house and get it, or they could trick Scott into giving it to them. The opportunities are limitless as to what they could do, and poor Scott probably would be none the wiser until it was too late. Then again, we could also see Scott befriending the Winchesters and talking mechanics with Dean or academics with Sam. It just depends on how it all turns out.

3 Can't Beat: Hulk

Sam and Dean have come back to life many times, but one "Hulk smash" and they might be gone for good. Hulk is too powerful and destructive to be taken down, even by magic. He's taken on aliens from outer space and even joined Thor on Asgard on one occasion. He's practically invincible thanks to exposure from gamma rays.

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With what we saw of him blending brain with brawn in Endgame, that makes him all the more dangerous with intelligence added to "Hulk smash." Sam and Dean would surely be pulverized.

2 Can Beat: Star Lord

Star Lord wouldn't be a difficult adversary for the Winchesters. He's compulsive, possesses quite an ego and he's not exactly a war strategist. He's not trained in the way the Winchesters or even the other heroes in the MCU are. If you take a look back at Infinity War, you'll see that it was Star Lord's fault that Thanos was able to snap his fingers and kill off half the population, because Star Lord lost his cool when he learned what happened to Gamora and ruined the original plan. He's not good with impulse control, and the Winchesters would take advantage of that and use it to ensure Star Lord's downfall.

1 Can't Beat: Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is arguably one of the most powerful heroes in the MCU. We haven't seen as much of her as some of the other heroes in the franchise, but what we have seen so far has shown us that there's so much more to the character and her abilities than what she has shown, and that's significant considering we've seen her inflict some real damage. We love Captain Marvel and certainly don't want to find her on enemy lines in battle. We'd recommend the same to Sam and Dean. Despite whatever hoodoo the Winchester brothers may come up with, it just wouldn't be any good against Captain Marvel's powers.

NEXT: Supernatural: 5 MCU Villains Dean & Sam Could Beat (& 5 They Can't)  

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Supernatural: 5 MCU Heroes Dean & Sam Could Beat (& 5 They Can't) Supernatural: 5 MCU Heroes Dean & Sam Could Beat (& 5 They Can't) Reviewed by VIRAL on 06:09 Rating: 5

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