The OC: 10 Couples That Would Have Made A Lot Of Sense (But Never Got Together)

Can you believe it has been thirteen years since The O.C. finished? Seems like it was only yesterday that we watched as Seth and Summer finally tied the knot in front of their family and friends. Funnily enough, this hadn't been the original plan as Rachel Bilson was intended to appear in just a few episodes.

RELATED: The O.C.: 10 Times It Broke Our Hearts

With this in mind, have you ever wondered who Seth would have ended up with if Summer wasn't promoted to series regular? Or if Marissa hadn't been killed? From Marissa and Johnny to Jimmy and Rachel, here are 10 couples that would have made a lot of sense (but never got together).

10 Volchok & Holly

Another two irritating characters who deserved each other were Holly and Volchok. Although Holly only appeared in the first season as Marissa and Summer's 'best friend', the teenager showed her true colors when she seduced Luke. She also proved to be a fake friend when she mocked Marissa for her failed suicide attempt.

If she would have stayed, Holly would have tried to seduce Volchok.  As we all know, Volchok was also a bad influence on Marissa and would continuously lead her down a dark path. He didn't care enough to stay loyal to Marissa either, cheating on her at the prom with another student. It would have been better for all that these two toxic individuals got together and just left Marissa out of the picture.

9 Summer & Che

Although fans found that Summer was still madly in love with Seth, they couldn't help but worry when they saw the environmentalist's growing friendship with Che. By season 4, Summer was seen to have a personality transplant. Instead of being interested in The Valleys and her social reputation, she was now interested in politics and protests.

This personality change was influenced by Che, who recruited her to be part of his activist group at Brown University. Despite his childish personality, Che did help Summer to grow by making her more mature and responsible. In return, Summer made him better by grounding him whenever he got too free. If the break-up between Seth and Summer had been permanent, she would have probably ended up with Che on the GEORGE program.

8 Jimmy & Rachel

Jimmy never had much luck when it came to the love department as his relationships with Julie, Haley, and Kirsten all fell through. However, there was a romance in season 1 that the writers seemed to be edging towards - that being Jimmy and Sandy's co-worker, Rachel.

Fans may remember Rachel was the lawyer who tried to seduce Sandy whilst they were working at Partridge, Savage and Kahn. After she was rejected, Kirsten and Sandy tried to set her up with Jimmy. The pair hit it off after bonding over a football game and were planning on watching another one together. However, nothing came of it. It's a shame because it was the first time we had seen Jimmy enjoy himself.

7 D.J. & Theresa

D.J. and Theresa were the first victims of the Ryan-Marissa saga, not realizing that the teens were still on the rebound after their recent split. However, that didn't mean that D.J. and Theresa didn't deserve to have happiness as they were both likable characters.

For instance, D.J. proved to be a genuinely good guy when he returned the $5000 to Marissa after her mother tried to bribe him to leave. D.J. ended up leaving town after telling Marissa that their relationship wouldn't work out because she was invested in it for all the wrong reasons. Theresa had her fair share of terrible relationships so it would have been nice if she ended up with a caring guy like D.J.

6 Marissa & Johnny

One of the surprising pairings that never happened had to be Marissa and Johnny. In the whole Ryan and Marissa saga, the writers created a drama where Ryan got jealous about how much time Marissa was spending with Johnny. It had also been established that Johnny had feelings for the oldest Cooper and cared just as much as her welfare as her friends.

RELATED: The O.C.: 5 Best Couples (& 5 Worst)

Although Johnny died before anything could happen, it looked as if their relationship could have been heading in that direction. Johnny was key in helping Marissa through her transition at Newport Union and they also bonded over their "violent" pasts. Even if Marissa didn't feel the same way, she must have felt something for Johnny as he was the reason why Ryan and she broke up.

5 Caleb & Veronica

It's surprising that Caleb and Veronica had never run into each other considering they are from the same social circles. If Caleb didn't die, there was probably a likelihood that Taylor would have ended up being Kirsten and Haley's step-sister as Veronica is the type of woman Caleb liked to date.

For instance, Caleb was attracted to success and power, which Veronica had since she was a successful sports agent and chairwoman of the parents' committee at The Harbor School. The pair also had the habit of grating on the fans' nerves, especially with their callous, manipulative behavior as well as their selfishness. They deserved to be together.

4 Luke & Lindsay

It was a huge shame that Luke left The O.C., especially when he was just coming into his own. Everyone knew that Ryan and Marissa were going to get back together eventually so what was the point in introducing new characters as their love interests and not fleshing them out? Especially Lindsay, who had a lot more to give before she left.

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If the writers considered pairing Lindsay and Luke together, they could have gotten a similar relationship to Haley and Nathan's on One Tree Hill. Luke wasn't the brightest tool in the shed but he did prove to have a kind and gentle side. Lindsay could have also tutored Luke which would have easily integrated her into the core four instead of the weird family drama we got.

3 Zach & Anna

If there were two characters that we would have liked to see more of, it would have been Zach and Anna. Although Anna made a brief reappearance in season 3, fans never knew what happened to her afterward. Zach, too, was not heard from again after he left in season 2 to work on a comic with George Lucas.

However, it wouldn't have hurt if the writers decided to put the two together as they had a lot in common. For instance, both Zach and Anna were big comic book fans. Anna also had artistic skills which could have seen her replicate the partnership Seth had with Zach. This could have easily led to a romance.

2 Summer & Ryan

If the writers didn't plan to make Seth and Summer endgame then one couple that could have made a lot of sense together was Summer and Ryan. If fans decide to do a re-watch, they may notice that Summer and Ryan do spend a lot of time together.

One of the most endearing qualities about Summer and Ryan is the loyalty to their friends, which is why fans would see them drawn together. Out of the core four, they were also the least selfish and would do whatever they could to make sure their friends are safe. If they got together, Summer and Ryan's stress would have decreased by 90%.

1 Seth & Taylor

Another couple that would have made a lot of sense together was Seth and Taylor. In season 3, the writers teased the connection between the two when Taylor expressed she loved to watch anime films, such as Yakuza Prep (a fictitious movie the creators made up for the show).

The pair also bonded over their outsider statuses as both Taylor and Seth were deemed unpopular in school because of their neurotic and nerdy personalities. Although they never got together, the foundation of romance was there when Seth stood up to her mother. Let's not forget when the show revealed the poem Seth memorized was actually wrote by Taylor and not Summer.

NEXT: The O.C.: 5 Times Seth And Summer Were Relationship Goals (& 5 Times They Weren't) 

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The OC: 10 Couples That Would Have Made A Lot Of Sense (But Never Got Together) The OC: 10 Couples That Would Have Made A Lot Of Sense (But Never Got Together) Reviewed by VIRAL on 06:41 Rating: 5
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