The Walking Dead: 10 Times Negan Did The Right Thing | ScreenRant

Negan is one of the most complex and interesting characters on the AMC series The Walking Dead. He is a vicious villain who killed out beloved Glenn and Abraham and wreaked havoc for Rick and his group. But as many suggest, had the story been following him and The Saviors from the beginning instead of Rick and his group, we might see him differently. Rick, after all, has done some pretty brutal things, too.

Nonetheless, Negan is almost universally despised. He is charming yet calculated. Engaging yet manipulative. Witty yet insulting. But since his imprisonment in The Kingdom, he seems to have softened a bit. And he seems to be rethinking the world and what he wants to contribute to it. Or has he? We’re still not entirely sure.

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Nonetheless, he has actually done the right thing now and then. Here are 10 examples.

10 Not Killing Carl

Negan seems to be quite fond of children and never went out of his way to harm them, often even striking up close bonds with them. He had many opportunities to kill Carl but refused to. Instead, he took Carl under his wing trying desperately to become a friend and even father figure (arguably more so to get under Ricks’ skin) instead of an enemy.

He spared Carl’s life many times and clearly had a soft spot for the teen. When he learned of Carl’s death, it even seemed to be the first time that he showed some emotion – he was genuinely upset by the news.

9 Not Harming Women

When it came to physical violence, including everything from beating people up to burning their faces, Negan refused to hurt women.

Of course, he did take women away from their husbands or boyfriends and intimidated women into sleeping with him, so there's no absolution. But at least Negan had some boundaries and if anyone discussed physically harming a woman, or even implied doing so, he would immediately put them in their place.

8 Made Eugene Feel Wanted

Even if he was just using Eugene for his brain and his ability to make bullets, Negan gave Eugene what he had craved for all along a purpose and recognition. He made Eugene feel needed and, most importantly, wanted.

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Despite all of his terrible deeds, Negan was very insightful and could read people really well. He knew what Eugene needed and he gave it to him. That gave Eugene the confidence to finally accept himself, realize his worth, and go back to his true crew.

7 When He Infiltrated The Whisperers (We Hope)

This one is still up in the air, but if we are to believe that Negan is a changed man, he is currently on a mission to infiltrate the Whisperers and eventually take them down. He escaped from The Kingdom (or, as some theorize, Carol might have let him out as part of a master plan), and pledged his allegiance to Alpha.

He appears to have had enough of The Kingdom and wants to join the dominant group. But anyone who knows Negan knows he would never bow to anyone. So chances are he has something up his sleeve that might see him prove that he is on our guys’ side.

6 When He Defended Lydia

When the teens attacked Lydia, Negan immediately stepped in and defended her. Sure, he accidentally killed one of them in the process. But had he not, Lydia might very well have been dead or, at the very least, much more injured than she was.

Again, this might be Negan showing his soft spot for kids. Or perhaps he felt for Lydia knowing what it was like to be an outsider and not be accepted or believed. Nonetheless, he did the right thing even if his violent nature led to the accidental death of one of the attackers.

5 When He Didn’t Listen To Brandon And Kill That Mother and Son

When Negan first escaped, he ran into a former Savior, a young man named Brandon. The boy seemed to still view Negan as his ruler, having been a young boy back when his parents were part of Negan’s crew and likely hearing stories of Negan’s rule. He was desperate for leadership once again from the brutal man. But Negan wasn’t having it.

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While the young man wanted Negan to wear his old leather jacket and go back to his old ways, Negan refused. He even wanted to spare the life of a mother and young boy, who he befriended. Sadly, Brandon ended up killing them and Negan did the right thing by killing Brandon to prevent him from causing more harm.

4 When He Became BFFs With Judith

Whether it was providing advice or helping her with her homework, Negan formed a close bond with Judith as they spoke daily through a window in his cell. Negan seemed to need those conversations with Judith, which might have been the only thing that kept him sane. She talked to him about what was going on and it didn’t seem like he was pressing her for information – just looking for a friend.

Meanwhile, he provided great advice and was a perfect sounding board for the little girl. Though she likely gave him far more than he gave her.

3 When He Saved Judith

Remember that heroic act when, during a blizzard, Negan went back to chase Judith after she ran after Daryl’s dog, Dog. With snow blowing everywhere and bone-chillingly cold temperatures, Negan pushed through until he found the freezing and shaking Judith.

Injured himself at that point, he then carried Judith, Dog on a leash beside him, all the way back to safety. Had it not been for Negan, Judith might no longer be with us. Even still the group found it hard to trust him.

2 When He Confided in Michonne

While Negan has always presented himself as the strong, powerful leader, being imprisoned has started to chip away at him. And while he still seems like the same manipulative man he always was, there are cracks showing.

One such crack was when Negan finally let down his guard and opened up to Michonne. He tells her how much he misses his wife and begged to see Lucille, his barbed wire bat that he named after her. When she tells him where the bat was left, he starts to bang his head into the wall of his cell, showing how things are finally getting to him.

1 Caring About the Kingdom

After that massive snowstorm, Negan shows genuine concern for the people of Alexandria and their safety. While he is still his same rude and arrogant self, making fun of Gabriel, Siddiq, and Rosita and their love triangle (remember when he called Gabriel “father, not the father?”) he proves time and time again that he really cares.

He warns the group of pending danger, though they don’t believe him. And expresses his concern about the people. It might be because he now understands what they are going through having lost his own kingdom. Nonetheless, he did the right thing by sympathizing.

NEXT: Tainted Meat: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About The Walking Dead 

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The Walking Dead: 10 Times Negan Did The Right Thing | ScreenRant The Walking Dead: 10 Times Negan Did The Right Thing | ScreenRant Reviewed by VIRAL on 06:55 Rating: 5

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