The Legend of Zelda is one of the most beloved franchises in video game history with 19 entries since 1986. With 2017's Breath of the Wild labeled as the best since Ocarina of Time, (although the jury's still out on whether it's better than its predecessor) development on the sequel began almost immediately.
The teaser trailer that released in June last year showed Link and Zelda in a cave underground awakening what is presumed to be the body of Ganon. However, despite the lack of context and exposition, there were a ton of easter eggs and things that likely went over fans' heads. With that, here are 10 Huge Details Everyone Missed In The Trailer of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2.
10 The Music

Fans of the series are well aware that music is integral to the Zelda franchise, creating some of the most beautiful melodies that are incredibly nostalgic today. Some of the more sinister and darker temples (Looking at you, Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well, which still spooks players today) had tracks that inspire nothing but fear, just like the one in the new trailer.
However, reversing the audio (playing it backward) reveals the track to be the original Game Over music from Zelda on NES.
9 Green Magic

Throughout the trailer, a green mist can be seen floating along with some Gerudo lettering. Where has something like this been seen? Twilight Princess of course, with the power of the Twilight in the hands of Zant. This could mean a return to the twilight realm or some type of dark underworld, introduced in A Link to The Past on the SNES.
8 Writing on the Wall

Early on Zelda and Link pass by a cave painting depicting a figure on horseback carrying a trident. Associating a trident with water leads to the conclusion this figure could be a member of the Zora tribe, the aquatic creatures who help Link on his quest from time to time.
But seeing as this is just a trailer, the figure could be anyone. Ganondorf, the King of Hyrule, the list of suspects goes on and on but it's assumed this figure had something to do with the current state Ganon is in.
7 Zelda's Hair and Outfit

The beloved princess has gone through many costume changes over the years with each entry bringing a new iteration of her. However, in the trailer, Zelda has not only changed her hair but her outfit as well. Her cape and top are similar if not the same as Link's, which begs the question: will fans be able to play as Zelda in the upcoming sequel? This has been speculated for years with fans craving to play as both Link and Zelda.
6 The Dead Body

The dead body seen in the trailer is Ganondorf, defeated by Link in Breath of the Wild. However, his rotting corpse is sitting idle until Link and Zelda awakens him. His glowing red eyes were a fun jumpscare to witness in the trailer.
From the green liquid flowing through him, it seems Ganon is attempting to restore his former power but with Link and Zelda arriving it seems they've only helped him along. Why they were there in the first place is a mystery, but it's something to think about considering previous entries haven't seen Ganon rise from the dead.
5 Link Captured

About halfway through the trailer, Link is grabbed by a glowing hand, quickening the pace of the trailer. But who is this person? It's assumed to be Ganon, but if Link is captured does this mean players will assume the role of Zelda? Link has always been the leading protagonist in the game but fans have been itching to play as Zelda in entires that are considered canon. With Link captured, this might be the first quest that has Zelda saving Link, instead of the other way around.
4 Hyrule Rising

At the end of the trailer, Hyrule Castle is seen rising above the ground and into the sky. Wow. Fans haven't seen the likes of this since Ocarina of Time, when Hyrule Castle became Ganon's tower and Wind Waker when it was submerged below the sea. This could mean the return of Ganon's castle as an homage to Ocarina of Time.
Seeing as Breath of the Wild used Hyrule Castle as a threshold for monsters and foes, it's likely it'll assume a similar role in the sequel.
3 Green Lettering Translated

There are tons of languages found within the Zelda franchise, the most prominent one being Gerudo. Ganondorf is a Gerudo himself with his attire sporting phrases from his native language. Look closely at floating glowing letters and the words "Seal, Ganon" can be read when translated. This isn't the first time Zelda fans have been told this as nearly every entry requires sealing Ganon into a realm where the triforce is out of his reach. But could it mean something different? Did Link and Zelda venture into the dark depths of the cave to seal Ganon somewhere else? Only time will tell.
2 Voices in The Dark

About halfway through the trailer, things start to pick up, with images flashing left and right before a final shot of Hyrule rising above the ground. But listen closely as all this unfolds for the voices, not the music.
Play them back and you'll hear them saying "Help us, please", but who said is left a mystery. Could it have been one of the sages of Hyrule, or a character from the previous installment?
1 Direct Sequel

One of the most interesting bits of information isn't found within the actual trailer, but the title itself. Keep this in mind; this is the first direct sequel to a Zelda game since 2000 with the release of Majora's Mask. The darker and quite depressing entry is hailed as one of the best entries despite its grim tone when compared to its predecessor. Looking at this history, Nintendo may follow a similar formula with Breath of the Wild 2 being a darker game than the original possibly using the underground cave system as the main map.
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