Luke Skywalker from Star Wars is one of the most recognizable characters in cinema history. His triumph over the dark side and journey from farm boy to Jedi master made him a legend within the Star Wars universe, and outside of it. George Lucas discussed the character arc of Luke in his biography, 'George Lucas: A Life', and the possible routes he could have taken with him. According to the book, his clothing is often a reflection of his character and close encounters to the dark side.
However, even the most devout fans may not know about the Tatooine native's costumes and outfits. There's more to the Jedi Robes and X-Wing pilot suits than meets the eye.
10 Light After All
Luke sported a darker outfit for the final entry in the original trilogy, one that had fans worried about his possible transition to the dark side. With Vader and the Emperor defeated, fans can see a sliver of white clothing underneath Lule's jacket. This is supposed to symbolize the good in Luke, proving he will always be a Jedi and not be seduced by the dark side like his father was.
9 Blue Not Green
When the rebels are cornered on Crait with no escape in sight, Luke Skywalker stands up against the entire First Order. However, some fans were quick to notice that Luke's projected lightsaber was blue, not green. Luke lost the original lightsaber of his father and constructed a new one.
The new one, colored green, is not seen in the projected version of himself. This was done purposely as a clue towards the reveal that Luke isn't really there, but rather still on Crait.
8 The Pilot Clothing
Luke wears the iconic orange pilot outfit when taking on the empire and the death star, but where did it go after his seclusion? Like his famous Red 5 X-Wing, it's sitting at the bottom of the ocean. His other clothes are in the hut he resides in, but the pilot outfit is symbolic of the man he once was. In his decision to cut himself off from the force, Luke chose to forget the person he was and wished to never be found again. That is until Kylo Ren and Rey used the ship in Rise of Skywalker.
7 New Lightsaber Construction
Luke's new lightsaber is a green color instead of the original blue his father's had. Many fans were curious as to where, when, and how this lightsaber was made. The answer lies within a deleted scene from Return of the Jedi where Luke can be seen huddled in a cave, completing the final touches on his new lightsaber. The video can be found online, and its popularity goes without saying as Luke's new lightsaber marked the transition from farm boy to Jedi master.
6 Light To Dark Robes
Anakin wears darker robes unlike his master, Obi-Wan. This isn't an accident as it marks Anakin's inevitable descent to the dark side. If fans look at Luke's costume from New Hope and compare it to the one seen in Return of the Jedi, they'll see a similar pattern.
Luke goes from light to dark but doesn't fall into the clutches of the emperor. The path from the light to dark is one of temptation, with Anakin falling for it and Luke defiant to the end.
5 Like Master Like Son
On the topic of robes, Luke wears a similar pair to his old mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Look carefully and you'll see that the two sets of robes are nearly identical, with Luke having become the old master and Kenobi resting peacefully as a force ghost. Luke's journey is also similar to Kenobi's in that both experienced a time of seclusion from the world, cut off from the outside world. The only difference is that Kenobi never shut out the force, but rather remained idle while everything unfolded around him.
4 Tool Belt
While on Tatooine, Luke uses a utility belt to keep his essentials with him, the lightsaber being one of them. But what do those other pockets hold? One of them holds a pair of binoculars Luke uses to find C3P0 when the Tusken Raiders attack.
But the other pockets hold various tools that help run the moisture farm. Luke and his uncle work day and night to ensure they have a successful harvest, which is why Luke is seen with his tools on a daily basis and with him at all times.
3 Fashionista
During his tenure on Tatooine, Luke is an impatient kid with dreams of going to the imperial academy. His everyday clothes are iconic but boring for the farmboy who just wants to go hang out with his friends at Tosche Station. In a deleted scene, Luke can be seen wearing a hat and poncho along with his farmboy outfit, proving he does have some type of fashion sense.
2 Red 5 Helmet
Luke is an accomplished pilot, having destroyed the Death Star to save the Rebellion from obliteration. His helmet, however, has witnessed more than just that one battle. In the Battle of Hoth, Luke wears the same helmet, unlike the other pilots who wear either blue or similar color of red.
The helmet itself is a symbol of hope, worn by the best pilot the rebellion has had the honor of enlisting. The fact that it's seen two of the major battles from the trilogy makes it even more iconic and symbolic of the rebellions defiance against imperial oppression.
1 Yellow Racing Jacket
A costume that only made one appearance in the Star Wars saga was Luke's yellow racing jacket seen during the ceremony in New Hope. This jacket is a nod to one of George Lucas's hobbies, racing.
Before Star Wars, Lucas was a car junkie determined to work on them for his whole life. In his biography, George Lucas: a Life, he tells of an accident that changed his life, when Lucas went onto scriptwriting where he started writing Star Wars.
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