The loving and carefree attitude of Mako in Kill la Kill is why so many fans have fallen in love with her. She is known for her big brown eyes and bowl-cut hairstyle, as well as her close friendship with Ryuko. Many fans have created cosplays depicting this character that look as if she has stepped out of the anime and into the real world.
These cosplays are exceptional between the hair and the custom-made outfits these fans have put together in honor of this anime. It is something that every fan of this Netflix series can appreciate as they gain a new love and respect for Mako from Kill la Kill!
10 Riding On A Motorcycle

This motorcycle might not be red, but that doesn't mean this cosplay doesn't bring back memories of the series in the minds of fans. Her brown bowl-cut couldn't have been made any better and the way Mathildesommer sits on the back of the bike gives fans vibes of this character. She looks relaxed and carefree in comparison to Ryuko, which is exactly how it should be.
9 Puffed Out Cheeks

Mako was commonly seen making a face that made it appear as if she was puffing out her cheeks. This cosplayer, known as Oblivibun, decided to recreate this in her cosplay while giving Mako a bit of an upgrade in terms of makeup. The wig she chose was a nice choice as it shimmered in a way that highlighted her eyes.
8 Big Brown Eyes

Mako had big brown eyes and this cosplayer, known as Madi, decided to focus on this feature. Her pale skin and dark eyeliner bring attention to these brown saucers, while the colors of her uniform only work to enhance them further. She understood the importance of contrast, but her ability to style a wig went a long way in this cosplay as well and proves why this anime will be one of the most popular in the next decade.
7 Best Of Friends

Mako was always the more excitable between her and Ryuko, even though they are both strong female protagonists, and it shows in this cosplay. The large smile on her face brings her personality into this cosplay, and the uniform and haircut help in this as well.
The addition of Ryuko in this cosplay helps enhance the Mako cosplay by Hyna C. as it shows the contrast between these two characters. Her hair and eyes even look like they could be natural which is almost impossible for most cosplayers to pull off.
6 A Fan Of Expression

Mako was a fan of expression and loved to use her hands to make a point, which is something that Liannka utilized in her cosplay. She nailed the hair, the outfit, and the makeup, but her ability to give her life through her actions is what made it exceptional. If there was a film made of this anime series then this cosplayer would be a perfect match as she clearly understands the quirky nature of this character.
5 Back To The 50s

When fans look at this cosplay they see Mako as if she existed back in the 1950s, and it gives fans a new perspective of this character. She was more conservative, as women were back in the day, but the waviness of her hair adds to this idea, although, it's not as crazy as some other anime hairstyles. Maddi.cos might not have been going for this originally, however, fans would argue that it is part of why they love it so much.
4 Shipping Mako and Ryuko

There is a lot of debate between fans of the series whether or not Ryuko and Mako became an item at the end of the series, but it would make for a great romance if this anime was made for PS4. This cosplay took the stance that they would and Mako's face sells this story as she almost looks surprised.
The short cut of Mako's shirt was a nice touch and a bowl cut doesn't get much better than that. The blue she chose to use also matches that of the show perfectly which is why this cosplay by Grumpy Plum Cosplay is so amazing.
3 Two-Star Goku Uniform

Mako was given her Two-Star Goku Uniform by Satsuki, and this cosplayer decided to recreate it. She might not be able to create craters with a single punch or shoot missiles out of her bat, but the incredible nature of Nanacabar's cosplay allows fans to imagine it, even if Mako wasn't strong enough to defeat the Goku. The way it sits haphazardly on her body is a nice touch that connects back to the series and sets it apart from other cosplays.
2 Adorable By Nature

Mako is naturally adorable, just like Ensy is in this cosplay, and her soft makeup only enhances this feature. Her thin frame makes her perfect for this part as the outfit sits on her body as it does on Mako's in the series. She is on the lookout for Ryuko which fans love as this is exactly how she acted in the anime itself.
1 A True Underachiever

Mako came from the slums and was an underachiever in school, but that didn't stop her from rising up the ranks. Cutie Chan decided to cosplay Mako as she knew that her appearance would give fans of the series their fill of Mako that they didn't know they needed, even if Kill la Kill isn't one of the highest-rated anime on Netflix. The use of a school as her background was a nice touch that connects it back to Kill la Kill itself
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