Very few actors are lucky enough to land a role that anchors an entire wildly popular movie franchise and even fewer actors manage to land two of those roles. Harrison Ford is one of those actors. After winning millions of fans’ hearts with his surprisingly endearing portrayal of a space pirate who learns to care, Ford launched another lucrative franchise in the role of an archeologist who moonlights as a globetrotting badass.
Disney’s recently released Han Solo origin story proved that no one can play the charming smuggler quite as well as Ford himself, while Indiana Jones is as recognizable as James Bond, whose success Spielberg hoped to replicate. Both characters have an abundance of memorable lines from their decades-long history on the silver screen.
10 Han: “Laugh It Up, Fuzzball!”

In the opening act of The Empire Strikes Back, Han and Leia are locked in a bitter back-and-forth masking their true feelings for one another. Leia calls Han a bunch of names, including “stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder.”
When she calls him “laser brain,” Chewie chuckles. Han is more offended that his best friend found the insult funny than the insult itself. He says, “Laugh it up, fuzzball!”
9 Indy: “Snakes. Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?”

When Indy finally manages to find the location of the Ark of the Covenant, he oversees the dig to break into the tomb. Then, as he goes to lower himself in, he sees that the floor is slithering – because it’s covered in snakes.
“Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?” Snakes are established pretty early on as Indy’s biggest fear. This forces him to choose his mission over his fear as he braves the snake-infested tomb to retrieve the Ark.
8 Han: “Great, Kid! Don’t Get Cocky.”

After Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, and the droids manage to escape from the Death Star, they’re not out of the woods yet. A fleet of TIE fighters is sent after them and Han and Luke take to the cannons to shoot them off.
When Luke manages to blow up one of the TIE fighters, he shouts up to Han: “I got one!” Han replies, “Great, kid! Don’t get cocky.”
7 Indy: “It Belongs In A Museum!”

In the opening flashback sequence in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, a young Indy is seen tracking down a group of bandits who have found an old artifact and intend to sell it on the black market. He tells them that the artifact “belongs in a museum” and they chase him to a circus train where he discovers his affinity for bullwhips.
Years later, as an adult, Indy is still fighting for historical artifacts and their right to be preserved in a museum – except this time, he’s on a boat in the pouring rain.
6 Han: “Never Tell Me The Odds!”

When the Millennium Falcon narrowly escapes from Hoth with Han, Chewie, Leia, and C-3PO aboard, the Empire is close behind them. With Star Destroyers and TIE fighters on his tail, Han has to think fast to get them out of trouble.
So, he flies right into an asteroid field. Threepio tells him, “Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to one,” to which Han quips back, “Never tell me the odds!”
5 Indy: “Fortune And Glory, Kid. Fortune And Glory.”

Indiana Jones was given a lovable young sidekick in Temple of Doom, which was technically a prequel. Short Round is a preteen Shanghai cabbie who gets swept up in Indy’s latest adventure and ends up working as a child slave in the mines of an evil cult.
When Indy is tasked with locating the Sankara Stones, Short Round asks him, “What is Sankara?” Indy simply replies, “Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.”
4 Han: “That’s Not How The Force Works!”

Finn takes Han and Chewie to Starkiller Base with an incomplete plan in The Force Awakens. When Han asks him how they’re going to take out the First Order’s shields, Finn says they’ll have to use the Force.
A horrified Han angrily tells him, “That’s not how the Force works!” This line could apply to a lot of bizarre scenes in the sequel trilogy, like Leia’s space flight and Ben Solo’s lifeforce transfer.
3 Indy: “Don’t Call Me Junior!”

The third Indiana Jones movie introduced the titular explorer’s estranged father, Henry Jones, Jr., played by Sean Connery. Spielberg thought it would be appropriate to cast the original James Bond as the father of the character he envisioned to be America’s own 007.
Connery shared terrific on-screen chemistry with Harrison Ford in the threequel, developing a tangible father-son dynamic through their constant bickering.
2 Han: “I Know.”

Han and Leia’s romantic tensions come to a head when the former is about to be frozen in carbonite and the latter reveals her feelings for him. She says, “I love you,” and Han pricelessly replies, “I know.”
In the original script, Han was just supposed to say, “I love you, too,” but Harrison Ford didn’t think that was very Han and suggested the more in-character line that appears in the final movie.
1 Indy: “X Never, Ever Marks The Spot.”

During one of his lectures in The Last Crusade, Dr. Jones dispels some common misconceptions about adventurers that were caused by the very movies that inspired George Lucas to create Indy.
He tells his students, “We do not follow maps to buried treasure and X never, ever marks the spot.” Ironically, later in the movie, X does mark the spot in the library.
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