Betty has had quite the transformation on Riverdale. Going from the sweet blond next door with an obsession with Nancy Drew, to Dark Betty, the girl who went to any lengths to get what she needed to get her friends and family out of jams and solve the latest mystery.
Her desire to be honest, mixed with her intellect, made for some witty responses and insults. Some were playful and some walked the border between justified and just plain mean. But no one dished it out quite like Betty so it's a good thing Archie started up that fire station again because Betty is gonna cause a fire with these burns.
10 Jughead Is 18 And He Still Eats Dino Nuggets And Refuses To Eat A Sandwich Unless I Cut The Crusts Off

This one is snarky but endearing and said to Jellybean in season 4's Halloween episode after she refuses Betty's offer to make her some dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, claiming that she wants to be more like her big brother Jughead. Betty manages to bring both of them down a peg with this honest quip and Jughead doesn't even deny it. But even though she is insulting him just a little, it's also sweet because it shows how much she knows him.
9 This Is Just Fun Girl Talk

Season 2's episode "Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks" features Betty's obvious lie to Cheryl after she asks Betty if she's blackmailing her and it is just great. It sounds like a line Cheryl herself might have dropped on Betty, making it even more fitting as Betty embraces her dark side when she uses the video she has of Jason's death to blackmail Cheryl. It's a ruthless move, but she did it to help Jughead's Dad get out of jail.
8 Ooo Ethelhead? In Your Dreams

In the season 3 episode "Chapter Forty-Two: The Man in Black", Betty hurls this one at Ethel with absolute viciousness, even as she is trying to use her for her own plans.
Of course, when Betty approached Ethel she might have known that she was doing so to rattle the poor misled girl, but she never expected Ethel to reply with such nonsense ideas like her and Jughead running off together. The breaking point is when Ethel tells Betty they are gonna be a "ship" and Betty can't contain how idiotic she thinks the whole thing is.
7 What, Mom? What Does Some Guru Who’s Running A Heaven’s Gate Commune For Pregnant Runaways And Wives-Of-Serial-Killers Have To Say About My Diaries?”

In the Season 3 premiere, “Chapter Thirty-Six: Labor Day” Betty says this quip to her mom after discovering her mother with her diaries. After a witty line about oolong tea and denial, Betty tops it off with this great reaction, managing to criticize her whole family and the commune in one fell swoop. She delivers the line in a tone that many would never take with their own mothers, but Alice has done a few things that make her far from the normal mother.
6 Gee Chic, Have You Ever Actually Been Helpful In Any Way To Anyone?!

Betty, rightfully, never trusted Chic, who first came into their lives masquerading as Betty's long lost brother, Charles. In season 2's episode "Chapter Thirty: The Noose Tightens", she spits this line to her faux brother after finding out all his secrets and says it not only to insult him but also motivate him to help her and her mother not get in trouble for the whole killing a guy thing. The insult motivates Chic to admit the information he was withholding but in the end, all he does is add more trouble to their lives.
5 Okay I'm Listening To My Soul, And What It's Saying Is To Get The Hell Away From My Mother Because She's Been Body-Snatched

The season 3 premiere contains this snarky remark Betty made to Alice after her mother kept trying to push her 'farmey' ways on her. Betty had had enough of all the talk about Edgar, the farm he ran and all the crazy things he had his members, her mom and sister included, believing in. Her mother was a completely different person to Betty so this line about being body-snatched was the perfect expression for her. Of course, it turned out she wasn't really brainwashed, just undercover, but either way, the line was fitting.
4 You Are The Literal Embodiment Of Chris, Never Has A Role Been So Perfectly Typecast

It's hard to believe that Betty and Veronica were so tight by the end of high school considering the way the two began. Although by starting their high school days fighting over Archie and ending their high school days with both of them being in love with him does add an interesting layer of symmetry to the show.
This particular burn was slung at Veronica during the group's production of Carrie: The Musical in season 2's episode "Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember". It's hard to tell if Betty was more jealous of Veronica's singing or her closeness to Archie, but either way, this was a low blow considering the role she was referring to was Chris Hargensen, the antagonist responsible for throwing tampons at Carrie and the whole bucket-of-blood incident at prom.
3 At Least Cheryl Isn't Putting On An Act, Pretending She's A Butterfly When She's Really A Wasp

Betty managed to both defend her frenemy-turned cousin and insult Veronica with this line from the second episode of the show. Veronica had just finished stating her opinion about Cheryl throwing a pep rally to honor the death of her brother and Betty found this situation deserving of an insult.
After this dig, Veronica manages to brush it off and defend her behavior, claiming she did so to protect Betty from having to see Cheryl take him into the closet instead. Both Betty and viewers might have trouble completely believing this, considering the two became an item shortly after.
2 No, B**ch, It’s Your Sister

In season 4's "Chapter Sixty-One: Halloween", Betty spat this one into the phone at Poppy after Charles convinces her that she is the one behind the calls Betty has been receiving from someone pretending to be the Black Hood. A furious Betty convinces Charles to impersonate Edgar, the leader of the Cult Poppy refuses to believe led her astay, even as she sits in a mental institution.
After her sister answers and asks if it's really him, Betty drops this terrific reply. It might have been a cruel thing to do to Poppy but it is hard to feel too much sympathy for the gullible follower who really is the whole reason Betty and her family were pulled into the whole farm drama.
1 Like Father Like Daughter Right?

This one might have technically been a lifeline disguised as a burn since the reason Betty is being so cruel was to make Black Hood believe she had severed ties with her. Something he demanded she do or he would hurt Veronica in “Chapter Eighteen: When A Stranger Calls".
But even though it was done to protect her BFF, it did not seem like Betty had any trouble coming up with the cruel comparison. Considering Veronica has harbored a huge amount of disdain for her father and how he handles things this really is one of the most villainous things Betty could have said to her at the time and she went for it. All for a good cause though right?
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