The D&D Character Classes Of Angel Characters | ScreenRant

The characters on Angel live in a world that is blended with the average human world and a fantastical world of heroes, demons, and forces of good and evil. So it seems only natural that many of the characters on Team Angel (or who have gone up against Team Angel) would fit right in to the similarly magical world of Dungeons & Dragons.

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The characters on the series are all heroes and villains in their own right, and they know what it is to become a soldier and warrior in a larger battle between good and evil. So if the cast of characters from Angel really did find themselves in the world of D&D, what corner of that world would they inhabit? Namely, which character class would each Angel character fall into?

10 Lorne - Bard

Good old Lorneytunes was not someone who was born into this epic battle of good and evil that most of Team Angel constantly finds themselves in, but Lorne does seem to have a mystical fate that was set out before him.

Lorne's abilities as an empath were extraordinary, and it seems only fitting that someone who expressed himself through song and sought to understand others through their own music would be a Bard. The Bard is a character who expresses the magic of creation from their own individual expression, which is a perfect representation of Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan.

9 Connor - Barbarian

Connor Angel's magical life reset which transformed him into a totally normal and well adjusted college kid presumably altered everything that made him into the Barbarian that he once was, but it's hard to think of Connor as any other D&D class as a result of his original upbringing.

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Connor was a being of extraordinary strength and he for the most part knew how to use it, but his reliance on his innate power meant that he could be bested by more seasoned fighters like Angel or Faith. And for god's sake, his nickname in Quor'toth was the Destroyer, how could he be anything but a Barbarian?

8 Doyle - Sorcerer

It's not lacking in irony that Doyle is the Sorcerer of Team Angel. Sorcerers are a character class who derive their magical power from their bloodline, and Doyle ultimately became a soldier for the powers that be as a result of his half-demon lineage.

But of course, that lineage is something Doyle initially didn't even know existed and that he then wished he didn't know existed later on in life. Doyle seemed like the last person, or last half person half demon, on earth to be chosen for some mystical purpose, but he ultimately proved his worth in death.

7 Harmony Kendall - Bard

Much like her BFF Lorne, Harmony was clearly a Bard character class. Now, on the surface it wouldn't really seem that Harmony Kendall was much of a wordsmith, however she was a low key savant when it came to charming people that she needed to charm.

Harmony was never much of a legitimate threat, but her ability to convince people that she was a relatively harmless and innocent vampire actually kept her alive for much longer than she should have survived. Even Angel didn't have it in him to kill Harmony, despite the fact that she betrayed him, which shows how far her charm can really go.

6 Lilah Morgan - Rogue

In a series that was rife with terrifying badasses, Lilah Morgan managed to be an exceptionally terrifying badass, and that was in large part because of her ruthlessness and resourcefulness.

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The Rogue character class is a fighter who is more than willing to get underhanded and vicious when the situation calls for it, and they are excellent at playing disadvantageous scenarios to their advantage. Lilah was an evil woman to be sure, but what even surpassed her evilness was her ambition. Lilah simply always wanted to win no matter what she had to do or what the cost.

5 Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - Wizard

The Wizard class characters are exceptional magicians who have developed their skills through extensive study and learning, which is a pitch perfect description of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Wesley was a natural born genius, but he put every ounce of his intellectual power into the study of demonology and magic, and through that study he became one of the most powerful and intimidating characters in the entire Buffyverse.

No one could have ever suspected it when he initially arrived in Sunnydale, but this Watcher turned rogue demon hunter turned veritable magical expert was always a walking encyclopedia of the mystical, and he was just waiting for his moment to shine.

4 Cordelia Chase - Druid

When Angel first started it seemed like Cordelia Chase was the last person on earth anyone would expect to become a magical conduit of the powers that be, but Doyle changed her fate and the fate of the world with one kiss.

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However, that doesn't really give Cordy the credit she deserves, because once she found her calling she was wiling to do whatever it took in order to get the job done. Her connection to nature became so pure and so deep that she was willing to become part demon in order to preserve it, and that nature magic makes her a perfect Druid.

3 Charles Gunn - Fighter

Charles Gunn always had a certain level of insecurity about his place on Team Angel because he always saw himself as nothing more than muscle, but Gunn never understood how valuable of a warrior he really was.

Gunn was a Fighter class character through and through, and he honed those fighting skills so well that he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Angel, Fred, Wes, and Cordelia and say that he was just as powerful and heroic as the rest of them. Gunn was a dynamic fighter who was a veritable expert in demon and vampire hunting.

2 Fred Burkle

It's only fitting that Fred Burkle would be the same D&D character class as her canon confirmed soul mate, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. And although Fred isn't wielding the traditional magic in the Buffyverse, Fred is such a scientific genius and so brilliant at fusing the worlds of science and mysticism that it's like she has created her own personal form of magic.

The Wizard is an incredible character class because their education enables them to work forms of magic that most people couldn't even conceive of, and that sounds very much like Winifred Burkle to us.

1 Angel - Monk

If it were up to Angel, then he would quite literally be living the life of a Monk. Before Angel began, the only connection that Angel even had to anyone else was with Buffy, and when he moved to LA it seemed like he was poised to be alone for good.

But luckily he found a group of friends who were quite literally ride or die who pulled him out of his shell. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is singularly devoted to the powers that be and his quest for redemption, which is the story of a Monk character class if there ever was one.

NEXT: Angel Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

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The D&D Character Classes Of Angel Characters | ScreenRant The D&D Character Classes Of Angel Characters | ScreenRant Reviewed by VIRAL on 08:17 Rating: 5

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