The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has captivated viewers now for three seasons. Streaming on Amazon Prime Video, the series, set in the '50s, tells the story of a young housewife named Midge Maisel who, in trying to dutifully help her husband follow his dream to be a stand-up comedian, realizes that she has a particular knack for the craft.
After her husband unexpectedly leaves her (for his secretary, of course), she does an impromptu routine, which catches the eye of Susie Meyerson who manages the Gaslight in New York where she delivered the controversial, emotionally charged performance.
Susie has an eye for talent and she sees something big in Midge. And so begins their friendship and working relationship as Susie tries to get Midge's career off the ground at a time when working women are frowned upon. But how well is Susie doing so far? Here are five annoying things she has done, and five truly amazing things. (Note: spoilers ahead for season 3).
10 Annoying: Constantly Wears That Newsboy Hat
We don't want to judge Susie for her fashion sense because, well, it is her own. But at some point, she needs to change the hat and start looking a bit more professional. We get if she wants to refuse to wear a blazer or get all dolled up for parties. But the least she could do is try not to look like a 12-year-old boy.
Susie has to be Susie, of course. She isn't a fashionista like Midge. But seeing her with that hat everywhere she goes – even on the beach - is irritating. We'd love for her to finally lose it.
9 Amazing: Gets Midge to Open for Sophie Lennon
Susie's first big move was working her connections and using her signature tit-for-tat style to somehow secure Midge a gig opening for the biggest comedian of the era, Sophie Lennon. She pulled every string in the book and did the impossible, which was an amazing way to get Midge on the map.
Sure, it backfired when Midge revealed some of Sophie's trade secrets in her set, leading to massive backlash in the industry. She was blacklisted and made an enemy for life. But this wasn't any fault of Susie's.
8 Annoying: Has a Gambling Problem
We realize from the beginning that Susie has a serious gambling problem that has gotten her into trouble more than once. It isn't until the later season that we realize just how bad. Nonetheless, it's annoying that someone who works so hard to get by and lives in a tiny apartment where the door can't open until she flips up her Murphy Bed would squander away the little money she does make.
Gambling addiction is a serious issue and it's clear she needs help to stop it. Nonetheless, it's annoying that she complains about getting by then uses her income recklessly.
7 Amazing: Begs Lenny Bruce to Open For Midge at the Gaslight
After the fallout from the Sophie Lennon incident, Susie once again pulled out a miracle and got another top comic, Lenny Bruce, to open for Midge at the Gaslight in order to help draw in crowds. Bruce, who is based on a real comedian from that era of the same name, was far too big a comic to play at such a small, local New York City spot.
But Susie's persuasive nature, along with Bruce taking a liking to Midge, led to him agreeing. And that helped to bring attention once again to Midge, resuscitating a career that hadn't even yet started.
6 Annoying: Took Sophie Lennon on as a Client
We get that if Susie wants to start a career as a talent agent, she needs to have more than one client. No successful businessperson can survive on a single client. But to take on your main client's archenemy right when things are finally picking up?
We still think Susie made a good business decision, but it wasn't the right moral one; not to mention that it was clear Sophie would be a nightmare to work with, anyway. It could have worked in Susie's favor had she said no. If word got out that she rejected the biggest comedic talent as a client, others might come knocking on her door.
5 Amazing: Weasels Her Way Into the Catskills
When Midge went on an annual family summer trip to the Catskills, where she'd be away for months and thus unable to book gigs, Susie took the initiative to find her own way there. She posed as a member of the work crew, walking around with a plunger so people thought she was a plumber.
Then, she scrounged up change to use the payphone whenever she could and try to book Midge into local gigs. That's what a great agent would do!
4 Annoying: Gambled Away Midge’s Earnings
After Midge started making great money opening for singer Shy Baldwin on tour, she left Susie in charge of the funds. That was a big mistake, since she wasn't aware of Susie's serious gambling problem.
We discover in the end that Susie not only gambled away her portion of the income, but also Midge's. It was all gone. She hadn't yet told Midge, but it got her to a point where she realized she could no longer be trusted with finances and asked Midge's ex Joel to take over going forward.
3 Amazing: Tells Off Sophie Lennon
After Midge accepted that Susie took on Sophie as a client, and even went to her opening theatrical performance for support, Midge realized what a hack Sophie really was. Despite the fact that she had clear acting talent, she blew the performance seemingly on purpose then tried to blame it on Susie.
That was the last straw and, in front of Midge, Susie told Sophie off and backed her original client, saying Sophie could only hope she had half the talent as Midge. It was a touching, though heated, moment.
2 Annoying: Sets Her Mother’s House on Fire
In a last-ditch effort to gain back the money she had squandered away, Susie teamed up with her sister to torch their mother's house so they could collect the insurance money.
Their mother had just passed and her sister was all too happy to get rid of it and move forward while also helping Susie out. She was lucky, but even if she gets away with it, it takes a while for insurance money to come in. Which means come season 4, Susie will have plenty of explaining to do once Midge finds out.
1 Amazing: Makes Her Abductors Her Friends
Back when that original Sophie Lennon incident happened, Sophie's agent was not happy that he stuck his neck out for Susie only for her client to stab him in the back by causing controversy. So he not only had Susie and Midge blacklisted from the comedy scene, but also sent two men to abduct and presumably kill her.
But Susie being Susie ended up making friends with the two men who showed up later in season 3 to actually help her get a theater she needed for Sophie Lennon's play. Talk about resourceful and smart.
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