Supernatural: 10 Reasons Sam & Cas Aren’t Real Friends

The story of the Winchesters is drawing to a close and for those of us who have hung around, laughed and wept with the brothers for 15 years, this would be an important moment. Over the years, Supernatural has taught us that relationships—friendships and family—are worth dying for and the very foundation of our lives.

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In its 4th season, way back in 2008, Supernatural introduced a new character that went on to become as iconic as Sam and Dean Winchester and has been with the brothers through all their ups and downs ever since. This was the angel Castiel, who has had a profound, but complex relationship with the boys, especially with Dean. With Dean, he shares a bond that is both endearing and wrought with tension. But with Sam, although Cas considers him an ally, he might not be as good friends as he is with Dean.

10 Castiel Saved Dean

In season 3, when Dean came back from hell, it was revealed that Castiel had ‘gripped him tight’ and raised him from perdition. Since then, Castiel has had a most unique relationship with Dean, who, despite his tough-guy persona, soon grew fond of Cas whom he saw as a friend.

It was thus Dean, and not Sam, who forged a friendship with Cas at the beginning and the latter did not even meet Sam until later. While the two became allies, later on, it was really Dean who Cas started caring for, and perhaps even duty-bound to look after him.

9 Cas Has More Faith In Dean

Because of his fondness for Dean, and perhaps even a kind of fascination with this human he saved, Cas seems to have more faith in Dean than in Sam, at least at the beginning.

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Dean was rescued from hell because the angels wanted him to be Michael’s vessel and fight Lucifer, although Cas did not know this at the time. Since it was Dean the angels targeted, Cas naturally had a lot of interaction with him from the get-go and the foundations of his friendship with Dean were strengthened right there.

8 Sam Was The Problem Child

When Castiel first met the Winchester brothers, Sam was a major problem child. He was the one with the visions and the telekinetic powers. It was also Sam who was drinking demon blood to kill demons and Sam, who was meant to be Lucifer’s true vessel.

For all intents and purposes, Sam was the brother who was supposed to go dark side when Cas fist meets him and naturally he does not immediately trust him or develop any friendly emotions for him. 

7 Sam Is Castiel’s Associate Through Dean

Castiel’s relationship with Sam is, first and foremost, through Dean. It is Dean who is the glue to their alliance. Sam is probably more an associate than a true friend of Castiel’s. Although Sam and Cas often team up together, and sometimes even to save Dean himself, what they share is actually their love for Dean.

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It is the older Winchester that keeps Sam and Castiel together as both wish to keep Dean safe. Whether it is to banish Michael from inside Dean or keep him going full-blown terminator as a result of the Mark of Cain, the two are always putting their heads together and cooking up ideas to keep Dean from harm’s way.

6 More Comrades Than Friends

Sam probably sees Castiel as a friend, yes, but more than that he is grateful to Cas for saving Dean in the first place. He trusts Cas, who is one of their few allies, and possibly his trust in him is strengthened because of Dean’s complete faith in this rather austere looking angel.

Even more, than friendship, what Sam and Cas share is a kind of comradery, an understanding that can be forged when two people work together, often in extreme situations, to keep safe someone they both care for deeply. Similarly, when Cas goes out of his way to help or save Sam, it might be because he is Dean’s brother over everything else.

5 Sam Was Quick To Suspect Castiel

In season 6, Sam, along with Bobby, is quick to suspect Cas of working with Crowley without their knowledge.

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Of course, Sam and Bobby were right, for Cas was indeed colluding with Crowley, but Cas finds out about Sam’s distrust in him. Moreover, the very fact that Sam is able to see Cas as someone who could easily betray them proves that their bond, until then at least, was not strong enough at the time.

4 Cas Thought Of Sam As An Abomination

In the episode, “99 Problems”, in season 5, Cas refers to Sam as an abomination. This is understandable on Castiel’s part since anybody who drank demon blood does sound a bit like an abomination, even to normal folk.

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However, this proves that while Cas surely did not hate Sam, and was ready to work with him or even save him, he definitely did not see him as innocent. And just like Sam was quick to lose his trust in Cas, the latter too thought of him as someone capable of deception and trickery.

3 Cas Isn't Too Comfortable With Sam Alone

In season 6, when Sam found himself back on earth after he had been caged in Lucifer’s cage with Lucifer and Michael, he apparently tried getting in touch with Castiel several times, praying to him to appear.

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Since Sam decided not to bother Dean who was living his ‘apple-pie life’ with Lisa and Ben, he turned next to Cas. However, Cas did not respond to his call, although he did turn up at once when Dean prayed to him. In a rather hilarious moment, upon being asked whether he liked Dean better, he told Sam in his trademark rasping voice that he and Dean shared a more profound bond. It might not be stretch to guess that Cas wasn’t very comfortable with Sam alone and thought that he didn’t owe Sam as much as he did Dean.

2 Sam And Cas Team Up When Needs Arise

Sam and Cas come together when big things go down. Of course, chief among them is keeping Dean safe but also when Sam needs to get rid of his angel grace or they need help with a case. They don’t necessarily meet up for a beer now and then in Dean’s absence unless it’s pressing and the world is ending.

Sam and Cas are not nearly as good a team as Dean and Cas, not because they don’t work well together but perhaps because they don’t share a history as Cas and Dean do--the whole saving Dean from hell thing, for instance. And as mentioned earlier, their relationship is neither as profound nor as layered as Cas and Dean’s.

1 Castiel Is Unable To Feel Most Human Emotions

As an angel, Cas is unable to feel human emotions. He does appreciate them and we know that humans, with their medley of emotions, sincerely fascinate him, but he does not feel them himself.

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Castiel did lose his powers once and become human, but he managed to find his grace back and was soon restored with his mojo. At this time, he became aware of the variety of sentiments and bodily needs and functions humans go through and that made him closer to the humans he felt were in his charge, viz. Dean and by association, Sam. However, his fondness, first and foremost, is towards Dean and one wonders if he has enough excess emotions leftover for Sam as well.

NEXT: Supernatural: 5 Couples Everyone Loved (& 5 That Were Really Annoying)

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Supernatural: 10 Reasons Sam & Cas Aren’t Real Friends Supernatural: 10 Reasons Sam & Cas Aren’t Real Friends Reviewed by VIRAL on 05:58 Rating: 5

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