Harry Potter: 5 Ways Pisces Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 Ways They Are Not)

Pisces is a sign associated with the element of water while Gryffindor is associated with the element of fire, but fire and water are not as different as they may seem. Gryffindors, along with anyone born between March 12 to April 18 have quite a few traits in common.

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"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry, set Gryffindors apart." Well, Pisces set themselves apart too, and in many ways that are similar to members of Gryffindor house. Though, the house of the lion and the sign of the fish are far from perfectly aligned.

10 Typical - Desire to Escape

Gryffindors are always sneaking off and getting into trouble, only because they harbor the desire to escape the injustices they see around them (including that of a specific curfew).

Like Pisces, many Gryffindors are exhausted by the injustices and rules that surround them on a daily basis. They are always searching for ways to remove themselves from wrongs they see in the world and fall into their own schemes and their own minds. Gryffindors believe in right and wrong, bravery and chivalry, it all connects.

9 Not - Sad

Pisces and Gryffindors can get sad, like anyone, but Gryffindors lack the general melancholy often associated with Pisces. Gryffindor is the house of quidditch parties, Skiving Snack Boxes, and the chosen one. Gryffindor likes to celebrate, and they like to be loud.

Gryffindors are about facing problems, even if they head off with only half a plan and not enough assistance. Sadness is never given much time to settle when it comes to Gryffindor Tower.

8 Typical - Being a Martyr

Gryffindor bravery often leads house members to head into danger without thinking things through. Gryffindors are about reputation and often would rather be seen as a martyr, sacrificing and suffering, rather than taking the time to put together a successful mission.

Look at Harry rushing off to the Ministry to rescue Sirius. Look at Sirius going to the Ministry despite his being a wanted man. Gryffindors would rather go down with their reputations intact than take the time to plan ahead. Harry very literally sacrifices himself in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It's very Gryffindor.

7 Not - Lacking Empathy

Pisces may lack empathy, but Gryffindors certainly do not. Gryffindors are all about standing up for the little guy, putting themselves in harm's way for a cause that may be worthwhile, even if it doesn't affect them at all. Look at Hermione's campaign to improve the treatment of house-elves, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.

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Gryffindors are all about being brave and they are ready to take on a cause wherever they can find it. Empathy comes with the territory when it comes to playing the hero.

6 Typical - Aggressive

That bravery that Gryffindor is known for can also lead to many members coming off as a bit aggressive. Look at Ron cursing Malfoy, Fred and George standing up for Harry on the quidditch pitch, or the Marauders going after Slytherin house, in and Snape in particular, over and over again.

There is a lot of energy and pent up aggression in both Pisces and those sorted into Gryffindor upon entering Hogwarts. Gryffindor common room is always ready to let off steam.

5 Not - Wise

Wise old Ravenclaw is the saying and that's where a very wise Pisces would find similar students. Gryffindor may be home to the smartest witch in Harry's year, but it's not really made up of particularly wise students.

Again, Gryffindors like to jump in without looking or planning. They are a house of action and, while that can lead to quite a bit of success, it doesn't highlight any wisdom inherent in the house overall. Gryffindors don't often take the time to learn from their mistakes or to think through crazy schemes before they dive in.

4 Typical - Loyal

Just look at all the Gryffindors who stay and/or return to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. Look at how George and Fred stand up for Harry on the quidditch pitch.

Consider how even Percy returns to his family in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Gryffindors may not be Hufflepuffs, but their loyalty is still clear in their personalities and actions. Like any good Pisces, loyalty is key to Gryffindor house and the action it is always ready to take.

3 Not - Closed Off

Pisces don't talk about their feelings, but Gryffindors do. It may take time to get a Gryffindor to open up, but they will open up. Look at how Ginny and Harry discuss what being possessed is like. Consider how Neville (in the movies) admits to Harry what happened to his parents.

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Hermione is always clear about her feelings when it comes to the boys copying off her assignments, or how Ron is open with Harry about his relationship with Lavender. Gryffindors, unlike Pisces, are not more closed off than your average teenager.

2 Typical - Suspicious

Gryffindors, like Pisces, are all about courage and chivalry and that makes them always on edge. Gryffindors are always looking for a challenge, a fight, an insult.

Harry is suspicious of Snape from their first meeting in Sorcerer's Stone. Harry follows Malfoy around for all of Half-Blood Prince. Harry, Ron, and Hermione brew polyjuice potion in second year so they can sneak into Slytherin house and interrogate Malfoy. Gryffindors are always looking for problems in those around them.

1 Not - Fearful

Gryffindor is the house of the brave at heart, witch makes it a very strange place for particularly fearful Pisces to end up.

Even Neville, perhaps the most scared of any Gryffindor in Harry's years at school, isn't truly fearful, he only lacks confidence. After gaining confidence he is brave enough to confront Voldemort one on one. Fear isn't a trait found in Gryffindor house, even if it is common among Pisces.

NEXT: Myerr-Briggs®: Harry Potter: What Your Patronus Would Be, Based On Your MBTI

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Harry Potter: 5 Ways Pisces Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 Ways They Are Not) Harry Potter: 5 Ways Pisces Are Typical Gryffindors (& 5 Ways They Are Not) Reviewed by VIRAL on 05:57 Rating: 5

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