The characters immersed in the story of DC Universe's Doom Patrol are an eclectic bunch. There are men with robotic parts, people who share their bodies with other spirits and personalities, and a woman whose body is elastic, just to name a few.
The members of the Doom Patrol - and many of their enemies - spend their time in the realm of science fiction. Their world is consumed with trying to stop the next apocalypse and trying to find a place to fit in. They don't have a lot of time for reading horoscopes or figuring out their star charts. Based on their personality traits exhibited in the show, however, their astrology signs aren't too hard to come by.
12 Aries: Cliff
An Aries is the kind of sign that leads with their heart. Their tendency to allow their emotions to rule them can lead to some impulsive decisions, not unlike Gryffindors in the Harry Potter franchise.
Cliff is the best example of that in Doom Patrol. He allows his anger at Niles to prevent him from seeing the bigger picture a lot of the time. Cliff also allows his guilt where his daughter is concerned to make him jump into situations without thinking them through.
11 Taurus: Larry
A Taurus is a creature of habit. Once they find a system (career, relationship, etc.) that works for them, they stick with it. They've been called stubborn, but they're also incredibly patient, willing to wait out a situation when they run into problems.
Larry is definitely a creature of comfort. He doesn't want to rock the boat too much, which is part of the reason he remains closeted for so long. It's also the reason he remains at the mansion though he doesn't completely trust Niles.
10 Gemini: Dorothy
Geminis are charmers. They make friends easily and can find a place for themselves in any situation. Easily able to adapt to new environments, Geminis don't let unwelcome circumstances keep them down for long.
Dorothy has seen a lot of upheaval in her life. She always tries to make the best of bad situations, though she does have her imaginary friends to help her through that. Dorothy even manages to charm Rita and Cliff.
9 Cancer: Danny The Street
Cancers are deeply feeling individuals. They find the good in everyone, and they find themselves hurt deeply when betrayed.
In season two, he might be Danny the Brick instead, but that piece of pavement is best known as a teleporting street that gives a home to the lonely misfits he crosses paths with. Danny thrives on love and togetherness.
8 Leo: Miranda
Leos are known for their love of attention, but that's not what makes Miranda a Leo. Miranda isn't someone who longs for a spotlight or to be a hero. Instead, she embodies other Leo traits.
Leos are also generous and protective. Miranda is the original Primary for Kay because of those two traits. She's willing to completely ignore her own interests for a long time in order to protect Kay from the people and things she fears. Miranda, however, also comes to believe that she knows best when it comes to what Kay needs to move on. Sometimes, Leos can become stuck on their own idea instead of being open to those of others, just as Miranda does what she thinks is best and ignores the other members of the Underground.
7 Virgo: Niles
Virgos are the sign most associated with organization. They are the list-makers, the planners, the mom friends. Virgos don't like to be surprised and they try to make sure they're prepared for anything.
Niles is an extreme version of that. In his case, he's more controlling than simply a planner. A lot of the plans he makes take control away from the other people in his life. His experiments are to increase his own knowledge base, and to find ways, in some cases to help his daughter. Niles has a lot of plans, and when something he doesn't anticipate happens, he doesn't often know how to react.
6 Libra: Vic
Libras are all about fairness, but they can also struggle with confrontation, wanting to be diplomatic in difficult situations. That can cause them to abandon situations rather than face conflict head-on.
Vic is the hero of the group. He wants the world to be a fair and balanced place where the bad guys get in trouble for their misdeeds and the good guys save the day. When his world view is challenged, or the people he cares about might just be the bad guys, it can lead to a conflict he isn't ready to face, like his relationship with Ronnie in the second season.
5 Scorpio: Rita
Scorpios are masters of mystery. They love to figure out puzzles, like a dog with a bone, unable to let go. Scorpios also, however, prefer to be a mystery themselves. They protect their hearts, preferring to let anyone get too close.
Rita, despite her love for performing and her desire for the spotlight, prefers to keep her past a secret. She doesn't like it when people see right through her performance or understand more about her motivations than she does herself.
4 Sagittarius: Roni
A Sagittarius is often seen as a storyteller or philosopher. They love to learn and share the things they learned with everyone around them. A Sagittarius, however, also is never satisfied in their current setting. Wanderlust leads them to be serious travelers as well.
Roni might not, at first glance, seem to fit in with the Sagittarius sign, but as a teen, she longs to escape her town. Her wanderlust, and even, to a degree, her desire to learn new things, is satisfied for a time by joining the military. Her life experience, as a result, means she's still a bit of a philosopher, sharing what she's learned with Vic and being unsurprised when he reacts exactly as anticipated.
3 Capricorn: Mr. Nobody
The most hardworking and ambitious of signs, Capricorn is very goal-driven. Most Capricorns have a strict sense of responsibility, but in Mr. Nobody's case, he doesn't feel the need to be responsible for anyone or anything other than his own ambition.
When he's initially called a "nobody," he doesn't exactly embrace the name. Instead, he tries to find a way to become a "somebody" by any means possible, no matter how strange the experiment. Being willing to do anything to achieve a goal is a very Capricorn way to go through life.
2 Aquarius: Kipling
Like Sagittarius, Aquarius is a bit of an intellectual. They love to learn new things as well but like to take their own path to do it. An Aquarius is also creative and honest to a fault.
Kipling doesn't initially seem like the most trustworthy of characters, but his understanding of magic makes him a valuable ally of the Doom Patrol. He doesn't pull any punches with them either, not sugar coating even the direst of news.
1 Pisces: Jane
Pisces are very creative individuals. They have a reputation for being daydreamers, but these dreamers are very intuitive and more connected to their surroundings than people give them credit for. They also tend to be the humanitarians of the zodiac - those who do more for others than they do themselves.
Jane becomes Kay's primary after Miranda's guilt at failing to protect Kay sends her to the Underground well. She always puts Kay's interests firsts, even if she doesn't yet have a great command over being in charge. Jane tries her best to help Kay, even when she's afraid helping Kay might mean she ceases to exist altogether.
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