Supernatural: D&D Classes Of The Angels | ScreenRant

Angels don't actually become part of the scene on Supernatural until Castiel pulled Dean from Hell at the beginning of Season 3. There are vague mentions before this event but, unlike demons, no hunter believes that angels are real. Before Season 3, no one had mentioned ever seeing an angel. Castiel appears to be a soldier or possibly a garrison leader at the beginning.

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Other types of angels are discovered as the show continues. Their ranks are never very clearly laid out but fans learn about each type in the episodes where they're featured. Borrowing from another fandom, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has a clear ranking of classes with detailed information about each class. To demonstrate a new way of understanding the ranks of angels in Supernatural, here are the D&D classes of angels.

10 Common Angels - Paladins

There are a lot of common angels throughout the series, especially after Metatron initiates the fall and all angels are expelled from heaven. From Abner to Zuriel, it is implied that thousands of these angels exist, although only a few dozen are ever seen or mentioned. They are soldiers. Like the Paladin, they receive their orders from a higher power and have a calling to complete their mission. They are meant to be honorable, powerful, and obedient. They're grouped into garrisons with a garrison leader.

9 Lucifer - Archangel - Barbarian

A Barbarian holds natural instinct above all and so views civilization as a thing that makes people weak. Lucifer sees humanity as weak. They are the playthings of God and he resents them for taking God's love from him, a favorite son. Along with the other archangels, he wields incredible power and can decimate entire cities on a whim. Lucifer's power comes from a primeval force, God himself. The archangels were the first class of angels, created before the rest of the universe to help God tame his older sister Amara, the Darkness, and cage her. Like the Barbarian, Lucifer is capable of going into a rage during the chaos of battle. He thrives on it while everyone else scrambles to catch up.

8 Tamiel - Grigori - Wizard

The Grigori are a type of angel introduced in Season 10. They were originally meant to watch over and protect humanity but they turned bitter against humans. Tamiel is discovered to be kidnapping and holding humans hostage. He puts them into a dream state where they live in their own personal Heaven.

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While they're unconscious, he feeds on their souls. D&D Wizards are able to manipulate reality. They only teach those that are worthy and, as the Grigori were once watchers, they are drawn to knowledge of all types.

7 Castiel - Seraphim - Fighter

In D&D, the Fighter is a well-rounded warrior. He is not the most powerful but still has more strength and power than the average soldier. Castiel is a Seraphim angel, which is a similar type of fighter among the ranks of angels. Some are garrison leaders, some have specialized talents. Like fighters, Seraphim angels (especially Castiel) are always ready to face danger, no matter where it comes from or what form it takes.

6 Ephraim - Rit Zien - Druid

On the battlefields of Heaven, the Rit Zien are "the hands of mercy." They are technically medics but also wield a special power that allows them to smite quickly and painlessly. When an angel is in pain, it causes things like omens and other imbalances to pop up in its vicinity. Druids are D&D's balance keepers. Their power is also unique and comes from nature itself. They are considered of the "old faith." When Metatron casts the angels out of Heaven, the Rit Zien's primal power has no purpose. Castiel and the Winchesters find Ephraim in a town where he is delivering his special kind of smite on unwitting humans who disrupt the balance with their incredible sadness and pain.

5 Gail - Cherubim - Bard

Cherubim are among the lowest class of angels and the bottom of the celestial chain. Their job is to influence the affections of humans so that special bloodlines (like the Winchesters) will come to be. The Bard in D&D is a class that influences through song and voice. Like the Cherubim, they prefer to remain on the outskirts of a battle. The Cherubim must be resourceful, versatile, and able to blend in (even though they can be invisible) in order to manipulate the people they've been ordered to match. The Druid is known for its versatility, weaving their brand of magic into spells in intricate ways.

4 Naomi - Intelligence Angels - Rogue

The Rogue is a cunning class of character that will gather intelligence patiently and stealthily for a precise strike. Intelligence Angels do exactly that among other angels. Their identities and agendas must stay hidden and some (like Naomi) are able to get into and manipulate the minds of other angels.

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Like the Rogue, the techniques of intelligence angels are incredibly refined and often honed to perfection. Naomi in particular was an Intelligence Angel that embodied all the skills of a Rogue.

3 Anna - Fallen Angel - Warlock

A fallen angel, depending on its abilities before falling, may lose powers, special abilities, and even memories when it falls. In the case of Anna Milton, she lost all of it but she fell by choice. She wanted to know what it was like to be human. A Warlock in D&D must make a pact with another entity to gain power, similar to an apprentice and master relationship. Anna, and other angels that fall, must find vessels in order to walk the earth and control their power. Anna was born into her vessel and didn't begin learning who she was until she was a grown adult. Many fallen angels in the series have also had to make pacts with other angels that were similar to the apprentice and master relationship in order to learn about earth and how to live there. This was especially true after the angels fell due to Metatron expelling them.

2 Jack - Nephilim - Sorcerer

Jack is the son of Lucifer, a Nephilim born of his archangel father and his human mother Kelly Kline. This means he has both a human soul and archangel grace. Nephilim often surpass the powers of their sires and are considered by other angels to be the most dangerous beings in all Creation. Jack's power is raw and wild, like the power of a Sorcerer in D&D. They can both be extremely dangerous because their power can be chaotic and hard to control. A Sorcerer may also get their power from an ancient bloodline. Jack's bloodline couldn't be more ancient, as his biological father was among the first generation of angels and made before Creation existed.

1 Metatron - Wingless Angel - Artificer

Metatron is introduced as the "Scribe of God" but he eventually loses his wings and becomes basically human. In the show, this is different from a fallen angel because in this case the angelic grace has been taken away, instead of being lost while falling. Metatron as a human must learn to make a living and becomes quite resourceful. Like the Artificer who invents what is needed to survive, Metatron finds and forages until he has a job as a freelance crime scene photographer. He also hides a demon tablet and some of Castiel's grace in order to use at a time when he had no power. Being the Scribe and one of the few people ever to see God, he is self-important and feels he can do anything.

NEXT: Supernatural: 10 Ways Chuck/God Got Worse And Worse

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Supernatural: D&D Classes Of The Angels | ScreenRant Supernatural: D&D Classes Of The Angels | ScreenRant Reviewed by VIRAL on 05:57 Rating: 5

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