Harry Potter: 10 Things Only Book Fans Know About Draco Malfoy

As far as Harry Potter characters go, Draco Malfoy is up there with the worst. While he’s not as cold as Lord Voldemort, lacks the craziness of Bellatrix Lestrange, and isn’t as repulsive as Dolores Umbridge, the Slytherin student is still a pretty repulsive individual. He bullies just about everybody at Hogwarts and struts with an air of superiority, lauding his vast wealth over those not as fortunate as himself.

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Tom Felton did a brilliant job at playing Draco in all eight movies - but not every little detail from the source material made it onto the big screen. So here’s what only book fans know about Harry’s biggest Hogwarts enemy.

10 He Meets Harry Before Hogwarts

In The Sorcerer’s Stone movie, Harry and Draco meet for the first time in the Entrance Hall at Hogwarts. It’s here that Malfoy offers friendship - but he’s snubbed by the Boy Who Lived who, after seeing him make remarks about Ron Weasley, refuses to shake his hand. However, in the book, things are different.

Harry and Draco actually meet for the first time in Diagon Alley, in Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Unintentionally, Draco makes his future enemy feel rather thick and foolish by talking about the wizarding world - oblivious that Harry is only just getting his head round the whole thing.

9 He Was Furious When Buckbeak Escaped

Draco very nearly gets Buckbeak the Hippogriff killed during the events on the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Slytherin student insults the creature - who then retaliates by slashing him with his huge talons. As punishment for this, despite the fact he was provoked, Buckbeak is sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic in a huge miscarriage of justice.

Luckily, Harry and Hermione save the day by using a time-turner. What the movie doesn’t reveal, though, is just how angry Draco and his father were when they found out about Buckbeak’s miraculous escape. The pair’s words fall on death ears, because the Ministry unable to do anything about it with Buckbeak - and Sirius Black - both long gone by this point.

8 He Meets Harry While Death Eaters Cause Havoc

In the Goblet of Fire movie, chaos breaks out at the Quidditch World Cup. Vile Death Eaters go on the loose, determined to round up muggle-borns and send a message to the rest of the world that, while Lord Voldemort may be gone, their support for him and his twisted ideology remains intact.

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In the book of the same name, Harry, Ron, and Hermione encounter Draco in the woods while the Death Eaters are on the loose. There, he taunts them and warns Hermione that she, in particular, would be of great interest to them. They resist the urge to retort and instead flee off into the night, determined to evade capture.

7 He Helped Rita Skeeter Discredit Harry

Rita Skeeter is an abhorrent journalist, one who takes great pleasure in writing nasty, horrible and untrue stories about the good guys in the wizarding world. She makes life particularly difficult for Harry during his fourth year at the castle, driving an agenda of hate against the Boy Who Lived.

This doesn’t really happen in the Goblet of Fire movie, though it is vaguely touched upon. In the source material, it’s revealed that Draco is acting as an informant to Rita, giving her all the latest news and gossip surrounding Harry to discredit him amid his Triwizard Tournament campaign. Hermione eventually finds out that Rita is an animagus and, instead of letting the world know, uses it to blackmail her further down the line.

6 He Receives A Beating On The Hogwarts Express

Harry is depressed at the end of his fourth year, with Lord Voldemort’s return and Cedric Diggory’s death having big consequences for the wizarding world. But Draco, being the bully he is, attempts to mock the Boy Who Lived and Cedric on the train journey back from Hogwarts. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t work.

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley all attack him before he can even finish speaking - leaving Draco extremely battered and bruised as a result. You’d think he’d learn his lesson after this but, alas, he continues to act like he’s something special. Leopards can’t change their spots, right?

5 He Made Harry Get A Quidditch Ban

The train journey home from Hogwarts isn’t the only time where Draco attempts to taunt Harry. He does it again during the Order of the Phoenix book, mocking him for the death of his parents and also taking aim at the Weasley twins following Slytherin’s defeat to Gryffindor in their Quidditch showdown.

Harry, Fred and George all respond violently - and receive bans from Quidditch as a result. Dolores Umbridge takes great pleasure in dealing them the blow, defending Malfoy despite the fact he’d provoked them. Harry is banned until the end of the year and becomes Gryffindor Quidditch captain in the summer, replacing Angelina Johnson in the role.

4 He Threatens A Werewolf Attack

Fans of the Potter movies know that Draco helps the Death Eaters enter Hogwarts by repairing an old pair of vanishing cabinets. One is placed in the Room of Requirement, while the other is in Borgin & Burkes. And, when Draco feels Borgin isn’t being a great help to him, he then evilly threatens him with violence.

Not just any violence, either. A werewolf attack, one that would be carried out by Fenrir Greyback. Greyback is close to the Malfoy family and, therefore, would have likely carried out Draco’s bidding. The werewolf does appear in the Half-Blood Prince blockbuster but has barely any screen time and, throughout the final few movies of the series, is definitely underused.

3 He Made Crabbe And Goyle Take Polyjuice Potion

During Draco’s sixth year at Hogwarts, he completely abandons his studies. He instead devotes himself to repairing the two vanishing cabinets in a plot that he hoped would end with the death of Albus Dumbledore and earn himself the trust of Lord Voldemort in the process. But, because of the size of the operation, he can’t do it alone.

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Therefore, he gets Crabbe and Goyle to take Polyjuice Potion. This is so they can keep an eye on the Room of Requirement without anybody being suspicious. Harry finds this out but, by the time he does, the plan is very much in motion. And, by the end of the year, Dumbledore is gone - with Severus Snape, rather than Draco, carrying out the deed.

2 He Gets Punched By Ron

Harry, Ron, and Hermione save the lives of Draco and Goyle after they’re all nearly burned to death inside the Room of Requirement. This comes close to happening because of Crabbe casting a spell he can’t control, one that gets out of control and ends up costing himself his own life as a result.

Afterwards, Draco is seen begging a Death Eater to let him join their cause. Ron, seeing this, then punches him in the face and labels him a ‘two-faced b******’. This would have been fun and satisfying to see, but Warner Bros chose to omit it from the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. The colorful use of language may potentially be why…

1 He Was At Hogwarts After Voldemort’s Death

After Voldemort dies, it’s a time for mourning and celebration in equal measure. Everybody in the wizarding world is jubilant about his passing but sad at the sheer scale of life lost, with the likes of Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Fred Weasley all perishing in battle.

In the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the Malfoys flee before the Dark Lord’s passing. This isn’t the case in the source material, though, with Lucius, Narcissa and Draco all seen sitting in the Great Hall afterwards - unsure if they belong there. It’s a subtle change, however, and was perhaps made just to give the trio more closure.

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Harry Potter: 10 Things Only Book Fans Know About Draco Malfoy Harry Potter: 10 Things Only Book Fans Know About Draco Malfoy Reviewed by VIRAL on 05:57 Rating: 5

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